SASUF Sustainability Forum 2024
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SASUF Sustainability Forum 15-17 May 2024

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Thursday, May 16 • 10:00 - 12:00
Exploring Opportunities for Environmental and Sustainaiblity Education through STEAM entanglements

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Wiegand and Ferri argue that “to successfully solve the complex challenges facing us in the 21st
century, people with expertise in the science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics
(STEAM) fields and other fields are needed, especially for their interdisciplinary way of thinking
and working” (2023, p. 169). In this workshop we will be sharing our experiences of co-presenting
a series of exploratory design/art/craft activities in the surrounds of Malmö in which we aimed to
find a “holistic understanding of the entangled roles of art and wild/natural/outdoor spaces” in
human wellbeing (Walshe et al., 2019, p. 1) and, further, to reflect on challenges and disruptions
brought about by colonization, ecological and landscape shifts and dysfunctional economic
practices (Formafantasma, 2023).
Our workshop is designed to appeal to all African and Scandanavian colleagues with interests in
histories and futures of natural landscapes; the complexity of knowledges (including the re-
mobilising of indigenous knowledges of our respective countries); and in creative curriculum
engagement that can enhance meaningful re-imagining of globalizing influences and relationships,
human-environment relationships, human relationships (affected by race, gender, religion,
cutlrure), and circular economies.
The aim of this workshop (following on the exploratory design/art/craft activities mentioned above) is to spend time sharing and reflecting on these activities especially regarding the
complexity of knowledge; the opportunities they afford for creative re-imagining of multiple
relationships past, presets, futures; and affordances for innovative curriculum engagement.
Our intention is to use the reflections from the workshop to seed a STEAM Education research
project amongst interested participants at the workshop.
Formafantasma. (2023, Oltre Terra. Why Wool Matters: Exhibition at Oslo National Museum, 26
May - 1 October, 2023. Retrieved November, 17 2023, from
Walshe, N., Lee, E., Lloyd, D., & Sapsed, R. (2019). STEM to STEAM as an approach to human
development: The potential of arts practices for supporting wellbeing. In L. Colucci-Gray, & P.
Burnard (Eds.), Why Science and Art creativities matter: STEAM (re-)configurings for future-making
education (pp. 337-357). Brill Sense.
Wiegand, S., & Borromeo Ferri, R. (2023). Promoting pre-service teachers’ professionalism in
steam education and education for sustainable development through mathematical modelling
activities. ZDM–Mathematics Education, , 1-14.

In the days prior to the workshop we would have invited colleagues from Swedish, Finnish and
South African universities and local community members to present and participate in a series of
activities each of which demonstrate intricate links across STEAM disciplines and links to a
sustainability opportunities and/or challenges. For example:
 Photography/ecological systems – to illustrate entanglements, disruptions and
enhancement in ecological relationships
 Natural dyeing/chemistry – to reflect on human relationships with colour, chemicals and
 Fibre art/design – to reflect on human relationhips with clothing (protection, expression,
pretense, ….)
 Bio-mimicry/technology – to reflect on human mind as ‘borrower’ and inventor
 Geometry/fractals/patterns in nature – to reflect on multiple ways of crafting knowledge
and developing a sense of wonder in ecology and mathematics alike.
 harvesting/cooking – to reflect on food, health and aesthetics.
Some of these activities will be conducted at Malmö University on day 1 of the “satellite
programme” and others on day 2 with students from the Natural Sciences, Technology and
Learning course which is part of the Malmö University Primary School teachers in training degree.
These activities will be recorded 1 (photographs and video), and shown at this workshop (PART 1)
to stimulate dialogue (PART 2) amongst workshop participants.
Questions stimulating dialogue will include:
 What knowledges were integral to the activities (whose knowledge, from where, from
 How did these knowledges bring about opportunities for thinking differently about
globalizing influences and relationships, human-environment relationships, human-human
relationships, economies, etc?
 How did these knowledges encourage thinking about past/present/future?
How can similar activites be used to stimulate innovative curriculum and pedagogic
Emerging discussions will be used to frame a research project amongst interested parties with the
ultimate goal of a co-edited book exploring different STEAM education practices in our respective

Keywords: STEAM Education, Environment and Sustainaiblity Education, Innovative
teaching and learning, transformative learning.


avatar for Ingrid Schudel

Ingrid Schudel

Head of Department, Primary and Early Chilhood Education, Rhodes University
Environmental education , transformative learning pedagogies

Hanna Hofverberg

Associate Lecturer, Department of Natural Science, Mathematics and Society (NMS), Malmö University

Thursday May 16, 2024 10:00 - 12:00 CEST
Grodden, Agricum